Book Details

Book Cover

American Foxhunting Stories: One Hundred and One Classic Stories, Sketches, Essays, and Poems Illustrated by One Hundred and Fifty-Two Paintings, Drawings, Prints, and Photographs

Author: Norman M. Fine, Alexander MacKay-Smith

ISBN-13: 9780964528215

ISBN-10: 0964528215

Publisher: Millwood House

Published Date: 10/1/1996

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Bibliographic Details

Title: American Foxhunting Stories: One Hundred and One Classic Stories, Sketches, Essays, and Poems Illustrated by One Hundred and Fifty-Two Paintings, Drawings, Prints, and Photographs

Author: Norman M. Fine, Alexander MacKay-Smith

ISBN-13: 9780964528215

ISBN-10: 0964528215

Publisher: Millwood House / 10/1/1996

Format Hardcover

Subjects: Sports & Adventure - Literary Anthologies, American Literature Anthologies

Dimensions: / Pages: 257.0

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